Jinda Project Nail bar – Iraq, Kurdistan region

Joss Visited the Jinda Project in Dohuk, Northern Iraq in the Kurdistan region and met with some truly amazing women. Most of the women Joss met had escaped kidnap, slavery and torture by ISIS , also known as DAESH. They were extremely traumatised by what they have been through, yet determined. Working with the Jinda Project they are looking forward to making new futures with freedom for themselves and their families.
The women told Joss that they wanted to somehow go back to a normal way of life where they could work earn their own money and begin their lives again. Joss came up with the simple idea of giving them a portable skill that would put them all in a room together laughing, talking and making each other feel cared for and giving them a job opportunity. All any of us really need is a chance and the confidence to take it.
Partnering with the Jinda project the Joss stone foundation provided professional training and start up costs to run a nail bar. We worked with a local teacher who was able to certify the course for manicure, pedicure, gels and acrylics. The group of 16 women are now fully trained, certified nail technicians. We built a small local nail shop/nail bar which is independently run but has the support of the Jinda project. For many of the women involved there needed to be an element of emotional and practical support which Jinda will continue to provide. For women who have escaped the horrors of kidnap and slavery, going to work can be intimidating and some had concerns that their families might dislike them working. Our aim was to help build confidence and resilience to work and look towards an independent future for themselves and their families through skills, employment and confidence
The shop was built to include all equipment – chairs, tables, towels, polishes etc and basic décor to have it fully set up for opening. Once up and running the women became their own bosses in the shop. They service local clientele and community supporters. The nail bar provides work and income as well as a focal point for women to talk, share, laugh and learn together. This, in a sense, will form a ‘women’s group’ of sorts and a safe, supportive place within a business setting.
The women, once fully trained were each given a small suitcase with their own full equipment set to use to work in the shop, mobile or in other salons. Since the completion of this project some of the women have been working in the nail salon, several have set up their own mobile businesses , 2 have found jobs in other nail salons and 2 have gone on to work with other NGOs to mirror this training program and are now teaching others how to do the same. Jinda they have continued to run the program partnering with other donor organisations so now over 50 women have completed their certified training and 2 other new shops in different areas have opened based on our original model for the project. We are so happy to know how much growth and learning is happening, creating jobs and incomes with independence and happiness!
Huge thanks to The Jinda Project, especially Aya who was our point person throughout the planning and process of the project. We would also like to thank a private benefactor (who wishes to remain private) for their amazing match funding donation to help make this possible as well as the other Joss Stone supporters who kindly contributed.
Project is fully funded