Live Shows
New Single:
This was a song I wrote when Cody and I had just started dating. I thought our nights round the fire were magical and wanted to write a song about those evenings that are so enjoyable they can run into the next day without anyone noticing. I am a night owl by nature and he is an early bird so I am often trying to convince him to stay up till the early hours of the morning with me. The song talks about coming up with things to say to make him stay. Funny thing is Cody did stay, he just fell asleep! So I went upstairs and wrote this song”.
Live Album:
20 Years of Soul Live in Concert
The 20 Years of Soul Live in Concert album is available as digital download.
Congratulations and thanks to Vivi Haddad for designing the beautiful album cover and winning the Live Album Artwork Competition.
Later, the album will also be released on vinyl, more details to follow.